Become a Member
If you experience any trouble joining or renewing your membership, please contact us and we will reach out to troubleshoot.
Why should ACNM Membership matter to me?
Without ACNM, certified nurse midwives would not have the following:
Recent ACNM position statements for CNMs:
- Right to Reproductive choices
- Independent Midwifery Practice
- Birth Doulas
- Hydrotherapy during labor
- Access to Comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health Care Services (Abortion)
Current lobbying efforts from MN Affiliate:
- Partering with MN ACNM to support bill to get CM licensure in MN
- MCCPM to support changing current statute to re-allow sale of pitocin and other pp hemorrhage medications to community midwives
- Annual Optimal Outcomes and National Conferences
- Access to free webinars
- Journal of Midwifery & Women’s Health (JMWH)
MN Affiliate Community:
- Quarterly Meetings
- Free events
- Quarterly newsletter
- IMMOCC (Indigenous and Midwives of Color Committee)
- Annual suture workshop
- Support and comradery from your fellow MN CNM’s and SNM’s!